• Architecture is a multi-sensory experience which includes music and sound to represent the structure and the essence: the spaces between, the silences, the light and the darkness. Not all space needs to be filled, but to be regarded as a time to contemplate. Architecture invites a narrative that looks to both the past and present, and the way we move through space with reflection and anticipation.

For the Time Being 1 —in addition to Mary Edwards' recent sound compositions, Arctic Cathedral Topographies (Aerial View) and Off Season Fairground —was installed as part of the "Exit, Winter" exhibition at Gallery 114 in Portland, Oregon, January 2012.

For The Time Being

This sound trilogy reflects the conflict of desire and uncertainty that seems to simultaneously haunt intimate (if sometimes interim) spaces, each drawing on the relationship we have with temporality, where the anticipation of travel or movement often overshadows the destinantion. It signifies the essence and impermanence of nature and architecture, evoking both absence and presence through sound. Mary Edwards practices what Juhani Pallasmaa calls "Sensuous Minimalism," where a certain neutrality, restraint and silence are an inherent quality of the discipline: "The significance of architecture is not in its material form, but in its capacity to reveal deeper layers of existence".

"...an intriguing and important project which hopes to subversively acknowledge the role of humans in the way architecture functions (or doesn't) in our culture. Mary Edwards hopes to take space back for all of us, not through the seizure of property or the redefinition of place, but though the use of melody and phrasing and multi-aural overlay."
—Katt Lissard

“Not only has Mary built a resonant dialogue among disciplines, she has amassed a body of work bound together by common themes, of the nature and philosophy of space, of the place of home and the power of nostalgia and, of the effects of all of these things on both the fixed and fluid aspects of identity and experience.”
—Daniel Alexander Jones, Alpert Award-winning Playwright

“...quite resonant.”
—Laura Koplewitz, composer

“…Mary Edwards is sensitive to aesthetic spaces. There is a sense of a grand nostalgia, a wonderment of Modernist sensibility and individualism within her compositional subjects...it is this play / investigation between what is grand, spectacular—as in international airports and landscaped woodlands—and the underlying tension of the vulnerable and fragile masked and / or veiled within the sophisticated and minimalist forms that she identifies and manifests an intriguing tension...Mary results in finding and creating spaces between that are intimate, romantic and idyllic."
Laiwan, multimedia artist/composer

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